- Tax Refund Team LTD as Sole Representative: You are instructing Tax Refund Team LTD to act as your sole representative in the settlement of your tax refund(s).
- Providing Information: You agree to provide Tax Refund Team and HMRC with any information they request to pursue your tax refund claim.
- Claim Period: Tax Refund Team will help you get back any tax owed to you and your partner for the last 4 tax years.
- Handling Correspondence: If HMRC sends correspondence directly to you, you agree to forward it to the Tax Refund Team LTD promptly.
- Independence: Tax Refund Team is not affiliated with HMRC and will handle your tax refund claim independently.
- Fees: Tax Refund Team will charge a fee on successful claims. The fee is 35% excluding VAT + a one off future benefit fee for marriage allowance claims only. And 35% excluding VAT for any other tax claims. The Future benefit fee is based on the value of your claim. Future benefit fee – If your claim value is under 150 pounds a benefit fee of £1.50 will be deducted. If your claim value is between 150-200 pounds a benefit fee of £25 will be deducted. If the claim value is between 200-700 pounds a benefit fee of £50 will be deducted. If your claim value is over 700 pounds a benefit fee of £100 will be deducted.
- Invoicing: Tax Refund Team will only issue an invoice for their services within 7 working days if the payment for Marriage Allowance was sent to you (Client) directly from the HMRC. You must pay this invoice within 30 days.
- Termination: Tax Refund Team may terminate the agreement if the amount recoverable is deemed commercially insufficient to pursue.
- Cancellation: You have the right to cancel this agreement at any point before an offer is made, with no fee incurred. You can cancel it, via telephone, email, or letter within 14 days of sign up. Contact us on 01254 963585 , Email us at info@taxrefundteam.co.uk or write to us at Pump House First Floor Weir Street Blackburn BB2 2AN if you wish to cancel your claim.
- Jurisdiction: The agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.
- Complaints: You can address complaints in writing to the Customer Service department of Tax Refund Team at info@taxrefundteam.co.uk
- Authorisation and signatures: Your signature will be used to authorise Tax Refund Team LTD as your tax agent using HMRC’s 64-8 form. It will also be used to appoint Tax Refund Team LTD to receive the payment directly from the HMRC only for your marriage allowance claim using the MATCF form provided by the HMRC. It will also be used on a third party consent form which would authorise Tax Refund Team LTD to request your employment history which will be sent to you.
- Refund Handling: If the Tax Refund Team receives a refund from HMRC on your behalf, they will send you a cheque in the post. If the cheque is not cashed within 6 months, they will reissue the cheque with a fee of £5.00. If they can not contact you after one year, they will deduct their fee and return the remaining amount to HMRC.
- Contact: By signing the document, you agree to be contacted by Tax Refund Team.
- Tax Solutions is a trading name of Tax Refund Team LTD.